Above Prayer Line – Every morning @ 6:30am

Above & Beyond Fellowship 20498 Rhodes Road, Spring, TX

Above Prayer Line @ 6:30AM every morning. Participants dial into a preassigned number and enter a code at the prompt. When calling into the prayer line, dial 978-990-5000 and enter the access code 515741 and you will be connected. Our very own Pastor Lindsey, will lead us in prayer as he prays for our country, our government, […]

Above Music Ministry – Easter Choir

If you are a male or female of the age 18 and up, and gifted with a unique musical talent, this is the opportunity for you. The Above Music Ministry will have practice on Thursday, April 14th @ 6:30pm. A sign-up sheet and additional information will be available at the music table outside the entrance doors this Sunday. 

Above Prayer Line – Every morning @ 6:30am

Above & Beyond Fellowship 20498 Rhodes Road, Spring, TX

Above Prayer Line @ 6:30AM every morning. Participants dial into a preassigned number and enter a code at the prompt. When calling into the prayer line, dial 978-990-5000 and enter the access code 515741 and you will be connected. Our very own Pastor Lindsey, will lead us in prayer as he prays for our country, our government, […]

Holy Week – Stations Of The Cross – Friday, April 15th @ 6:30pm

The Stations Of The Cross is a powerful way to contemplate and enter into the mystery of Jesus, gift of himself to us. It makes it an imaginative exercise. Deep gratitude leads to real generosity and a desire to love as Jesus loved us by giving his life as a sacrifice on the cross. Don't miss this amazing […]

Good Friday Service & Communion – Friday, April 15th @ 7pm

Good Friday Service & Communion with Pastor Lindsey, Friday, April 15th @ 7pm. This special service, complete with prayer and communion is designed to focus our hearts and minds on the true meaning of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST, his greatest love and sacrifice he paid for us on Calvary! Let's represent our Savior by wearing RED for the blood […]

Above Prayer Line – Every morning @ 6:30am

Above & Beyond Fellowship 20498 Rhodes Road, Spring, TX

Above Prayer Line @ 6:30AM every morning. Participants dial into a preassigned number and enter a code at the prompt. When calling into the prayer line, dial 978-990-5000 and enter the access code 515741 and you will be connected. Our very own Pastor Lindsey, will lead us in prayer as he prays for our country, our government, […]

Above Prayer Line – Every morning @ 6:30am

Above & Beyond Fellowship 20498 Rhodes Road, Spring, TX

Above Prayer Line @ 6:30AM every morning. Participants dial into a preassigned number and enter a code at the prompt. When calling into the prayer line, dial 978-990-5000 and enter the access code 515741 and you will be connected. Our very own Pastor Lindsey, will lead us in prayer as he prays for our country, our government, […]

Above Prayer Line – Every morning @ 6:30am

Above & Beyond Fellowship 20498 Rhodes Road, Spring, TX

Above Prayer Line @ 6:30AM every morning. Participants dial into a preassigned number and enter a code at the prompt. When calling into the prayer line, dial 978-990-5000 and enter the access code 515741 and you will be connected. Our very own Pastor Lindsey, will lead us in prayer as he prays for our country, our government, […]

Above Prayer Line – Every morning @ 6:30am

Above & Beyond Fellowship 20498 Rhodes Road, Spring, TX

Above Prayer Line @ 6:30AM every morning. Participants dial into a preassigned number and enter a code at the prompt. When calling into the prayer line, dial 978-990-5000 and enter the access code 515741 and you will be connected. Our very own Pastor Lindsey, will lead us in prayer as he prays for our country, our government, […]

Above Prayer Line – Every morning @ 6:30am

Above & Beyond Fellowship 20498 Rhodes Road, Spring, TX

Above Prayer Line @ 6:30AM every morning. Participants dial into a preassigned number and enter a code at the prompt. When calling into the prayer line, dial 978-990-5000 and enter the access code 515741 and you will be connected. Our very own Pastor Lindsey, will lead us in prayer as he prays for our country, our government, […]

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