Above Prayer Line – Every morning @ 6:30am

Above & Beyond Fellowship 20498 Rhodes Road, Spring, TX

Above Prayer Line @ 6:30AM every morning, afternoon prayer @ 12:30 PM, and evening prayer @ 6:00 PM. Participants dial into a preassigned number and enter a code at the prompt. […]


Join a Small Group at the Above Small Group Connection party Sunday, January 21st, immediately after our Sunday Worship Experience. Meet new friends, grow together in the Word, become a disciple, build your Faith, & Connect! If you are a part […]

MEN’S GATHERING – Saturday, January 27th@ 9am

Men of ABF, it's time to gather for fellowship, kingdom growth, and brotherhood with Pastor Will on Saturday, January 27th@ 9am on the campus of ABF. Don't miss this exciting […]

4 Day Church Wide Fasting

Let's prepare our hearts and minds for our 10 Day Church-Wide Fast, starting, 4Day Church Wide Fast – Thursday, March 28th @ NOON – Sunday, March 31st @ NOON. This is a GOD-designed discipline to […]

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