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Jesus says that harvest is truly plenteous. The problem of lack of harvest is not in the harvest itself, the harvest is plentiful. The problem of the lack of harvest is not in God, he still saves. The problem is ”but the laborers are few.” The problem is not many are interested and involved in gathering the harvest. There are people to reach; there is work to be done and the danger of the church of 2025 is that we don’t see this as the most important work. Jesus looked past their exterior facade to recognize their inner need. He saw them as “harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” We also need to recognize how many people around us need Jesus! Join ABF for a seven-week series on evangelism.  This series is going to be exciting yet impactful for our community and church family.

Join us for part 1 entitled, “The Potential of The Harvest Depends on The Prayers of The Church”.   Please invite some unchurched friends, family and co-workers to be a part of our exciting worship experience. God is doing something new in this season at ABF and I encourage you not to miss this God movement! I hope to see you Sunday on campus.

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