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Easter Sunday – April 9th @ 8am & 10am

Join us on Easter Sunday, April 9th @ 8am & 10am, Children's Church 10am ONLY!!! Easter is approaching soon and we're encouraging everyone to change their social media profile picture to the ABF Easter Image. This is our opportunity to evangelize. Use it to invite unchurched followers, family, and friends to Easter at Above & Beyond!  SHARE YOUR PHOTOS & VIDEOS!!!  […]

Men’s Gathering – Saturday, April 15th @ 9am

Men of ABF, it's time to gather for fellowship, kingdom growth, and brotherhood with Pastor Will on Saturday, April 15th @ 9am on the campus of ABF. Don't miss this exciting brotherly time of gathering. It's going to be a life-changing experience.

Above Starting Point Membership – Sunday, April 16th @ 12pm – 1pm

Get ready for your next level of kingdom growth!Make your membership official by attending the Starting Point Membership with Pastor Will, Sunday, April 16th @ 12pm – 1pmAbove Membership is important because not only is it a part of our journey of assimilating members it's a reflection of our hearts. Let's position ourselves for GOD to take […]

ABF MEN’S Prayer Revival –Monday, May 8th @ 6:30pm

Gather with men at ABF as we prayer, seek God's will, repent of personal sins, and become leaders in our homes and in the Kingdom. • His role as a man of God• His role in the Church• His role to his wife• His role to his children• His role to money• His role to work• […]

Men’s Gathering – Saturday, May 13th @ 9am

Men of ABF, it's time to gather for fellowship, kingdom growth, and brotherhood with Pastor Will on Saturday, April 13th @ 9am on the campus of ABF. Don't miss this exciting brotherly time of gathering. It's going to be a life-changing experience.

Above Starting Point Membership – Sunday, May 21st@ 12pm– 1pm

Get ready for your next level of kingdom growth!Make your membership official by attending the Starting Point Membership with Pastor Will, Sunday, May 21st @ 12pm – 1pmAbove Membership is important because not only is it a part of our journey of assimilating members it's a reflection of our hearts. Let's position ourselves for GOD to take us […]

Pentecost Sunday – May 28th @ 10am

We are celebrating Pentecost Sunday, May 28th @ 10am. We are ready to experience the spirit of GOD given to us through the Holy Spirit's power. Pentecost Sunday is the day that the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples of JESUS. It always falls on the seventh Sunday after Easter. 

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.