Join a Small Group at the Above Small Group Connection party Sunday, January 21st, immediately after our Sunday Worship Experience. Meet new friends, grow together in the Word, become a disciple, build your Faith, & Connect! If you are a part of any Above Small Group / Focus Group or have recently signed-up or would like to sign-up, this connection party is for YOU! Remember, group life is a way to experience community, fellowship, grow in God's […]

BAPTISM PARTY SUNDAY – Sunday, January 21st immediately after worship service

If you recently accepted Christ in your life as your Savior and would like to be baptized and re-baptized, Above & Beyond Fellowship would love to help in your next step to following Christ. Baptism is the start of a person's new life in Christ. Invite your family and friends to be a part of your […]

MEN’S GATHERING – Saturday, January 27th@ 9am

Men of ABF, it's time to gather for fellowship, kingdom growth, and brotherhood with Pastor Will on Saturday, January 27th@ 9am on the campus of ABF. Don't miss this exciting brotherly time of gathering. It's going to be a life-changing experience.

Happy Birthday Pastor Will – Sunday, January 28th

Our Pastor is turning 58!!! Let's celebrate our shepherd of Above & Beyond Fellowship on his actual birthday, Sunday, January 28th. Stop by and WISH Pastor Will a HAPPY BIRTHDAY as you drop off your gifts. You can sow a blessing to Pastor Lindsey by visiting the Above website @ (select GIVE), the Above mobile App, or Cash App Pastor […]

ABF CARES OUTREACH MINISTRY – BLOOD DRIVE, Saturday, February 24th @9:00am – 1:30pm

#ABF Cares Outreach ministry is excited to announce our first community blood drive of the year.  BLOOD donors help patients of all ages: accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, and those battling cancer. You can be a part of this amazing effort. Give Blood and Save a Life!!! The event is free and […]

4 Day Church Wide Fasting

Let's prepare our hearts and minds for our 10 Day Church-Wide Fast, starting, 4Day Church Wide Fast – Thursday, March 28th @ NOON – Sunday, March 31st @ NOON. This is a GOD-designed discipline to enable us to enter into a focused time of seeking the Father, His wisdom, revelation, intervention, and direction. Fasting with prayer serves as a powerful […]

Join ABFs Exciting Easter Worship Experience @10:00am

We love Easter around here at Above & Beyond. Just think of it: because of Easter our past is forgiven, our life is worth living and we have a future in heaven! Romans 3:22 (NLT) says, "We are made right in God's sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And […]

MEN’S GATHERING – SATURDAY, APRIL 13th @9am – 10:30am

Men of ABF, it's time to gather for fellowship, kingdom growth, and brotherhood with Pastor Will on Saturday, April 13th@ 9am on the campus of ABF. Don't miss this exciting brotherly time of gathering. It's going to be a life-changing experience.


Join us for a transformative experience as we welcome the "Kingdom Living and Wealth Building" program to our community. Dive into the wisdom of proper stewardship, business ownership, discovering your talents & gifts, divine collaborations, minimizing taxes, maximizing the benefits of life insurance and more to unlock the secrets to long term wealth rooted in […]

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