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Above Starting Point Membership – Sunday, May 21st@ 12pm– 1pm

Get ready for your next level of kingdom growth!Make your membership official by attending the Starting Point Membership with Pastor Will, Sunday, May 21st @ 12pm – 1pmAbove Membership is important because not only is it a part of our journey of assimilating members it's a reflection of our hearts. Let's position ourselves for GOD to take us […]

Pentecost Sunday – May 28th @ 10am

We are celebrating Pentecost Sunday, May 28th @ 10am. We are ready to experience the spirit of GOD given to us through the Holy Spirit's power. Pentecost Sunday is the day that the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples of JESUS. It always falls on the seventh Sunday after Easter. 

ABF, let’s get excited as we approach our 30th Church Anniversary month in September!!!

We're asking ABF Families & Friends to wear their ABF 30th Anniversary T-shirts on these dates;  * Sunday, September 10th * Saturday, September 16th* Sunday, September 17th* Friday, September 29th To place an order for the 30th Church Anniversary T-shirts, click on this link.... Once you place your order, you will receive an email on the date and time for pick up. Deadline for ordering T-Shirts: Tuesday, […]

Above & Beyond Empowerment Center Summer Camp 2023 – June 5th – August 11th

Let’s get excited!!! Starting June 5th is our Above & Beyond Empowerment Center Summer Camp 2023.  Don’t miss this amazing summer fun to get your kids connected and empowered. We're calling all educators, servants, and volunteers.  If you're looking for a Summer Job Opportunity, please stop by the ABEC Summer Camp table located in the commons area to […]

Men’s Gathering – Saturday, June 10th @ 9am

Men of ABF, it's time to gather for fellowship, kingdom growth, and brotherhood with Pastor Will on Saturday, June 10th @ 9am on the campus of ABF. Don't miss this exciting brotherly time of gathering. It's going to be a life-changing experience.

Church 30th Anniversary Trip – June 15th – 19th, 2023

Above & Beyond Fellowship 30th Church Trip –Thursday, June 15th– Monday, June 19th 2023Travel Agent: Cruise Planners Your Land & Cruise Expert – LaTonya White, M.A. If you are still interested or have questions, please contact LaTonya White @ 832-268-2018 ext.7. Click on this link, then click on Groups & Events and Above & Beyond Fellowship. The Travel Agent will […]

Donuts with Dad – Sunday, June 18th@ 8:45am–9:45am 

The Above Event Ministry will like to invite you to "Donuts with Dad" on Sunday, June 18th as we honor all the fathers and special men in our lives. We will start with "Donuts with Dad" breakfast from 8:45am - 9:45am, followed by a special worship service at 10:00am.

Above Youth Conference 2023 – Saturday, June 24th from 9am –4pm 

Alright, Alright, Alright Above Youth!!!  CALLING ALL YOUTH, CALLING ALL YOUTH from grades 6-12!!! It's almost that time of year again.  It's time to get ready for the 2023 Above Youth Conference!!!  WHO AM I... you are a chosen person, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession. Come join us for the Above […]

Above Starting Point Membership – Sunday, June 25th @ 12pm

Get ready for your next level of kingdom growth!Make your membership official by attending the Starting Point Membership with Pastor Will, Sunday, June 25th @ 12pm – 1pmAbove Membership is important because not only is it a part of our journey of assimilating members it's a reflection of our hearts. Let's position ourselves for GOD to take us […]

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