VBS @ ABF – July 18 – 22 from 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Join us on an epic adventure filled with activities, fun, and games as we SAIL with The Story of Jonah.
Come out and enjoy;
* Music
* Instruments
* Movie
* Snacks & more…
***Ages: 4yrs – 12yrs
To register your kids for the VBS (Vacation Bible School) click on this link.. https://ababfstx.infellowship.com/Forms/470592 or visit our website @ above.org.
When God asks him to embark on an important mission, the headstrong Jonah has other ideas that lead him from the port of Tarshish to the belly of the whale.
Is Jonah’s faith strong enough to get him out of this mess?
Please email the Above Kids Ministry at abovekids@above.org if you have any questions.