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Operation Christmas Child – November 7th – 20th

November 7, 2022 November 20, 2022 CST

We are excited to announce that ABF Outreach Ministry is participating in Operation Christmas Child this year for our year-end global mission!

Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations worldwide through gift-filled shoe boxes and the Good News of God’s love.

For every shoebox received by a child, it is estimated that about seven people get to hear the Gospel. In addition, every child that receives a shoebox is also given the opportunity to go through a 12-week discipleship program in which they get a Bible in their own language.

Our goal is to pack 50 shoeboxes with gifts of small toys, school supplies, hygiene items, t-shirts and sunglasses, etc.

See this link for suggested items.

You can also purchase approved items at Amazon, Amazon Shopping List

There are many ways you can participate in Operation Christmas Child!

  1. Pack a box yourself. Bring your filled shoebox to ABF on Sundays
  2. Pack a box online. Samaritan’s Purse will pack a box for you!  Click this link for more details. ($25 per box)
  3. Pray! for the child who will receive your shoebox gift. 

To learn more about Operation Christmas Child, visit Operation Christmas Childor contact the Above Outreach Ministry at

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