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Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of church is Above & Beyond Fellowship?
Above & Beyond Fellowship is an innovative church on the cutting edge for the 21st Century. Above & Beyond’s ministry is casual, contemporary, and culturally relevant.

What denomination is the church?
Non-denomination! This church is autonomous and maintains the right to govern its own affairs, independent of any denominational control.

What’s the Dress Code?
Casual, Casual, and Casual. Come as you are, come dressed in whatever makes you comfortable (casual or dressy).

Does Above & Beyond ask for your money?
We are very careful about this touchy topic. But, we firmly believe that God is the one who should inspire you to give, not guilt producing messages from the pastor.

Is the music traditional or contemporary?
The music is contemporary and will revitalize you for the week ahead. Our songs are chosen with two thoughts: First, do the words please God? and second, is the style culturally relevant.

Are the sermons boring?
Pastor Lindsey’s messages address issues of your everyday life, your relationships with people, how to make good decisions, and how to withstand pressures at home, work and school. Each sermon includes an outline provided in your worship guide and are shown on a large screen using a PC Projector.

Why the multimedia?
Nobody would deny that Hollywood is a master storyteller. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have much of a story to tell. We, however, have the most incredible story to tell. So, if we combined their methods with our message, we have a winning combination. Sometimes we show clips from movies that illustrate a biblical truth and, other times, we make our own fatuous clips to give people a reason to laugh. They also provide great conversation starters to unchurched friends and family about our church. “You have to come to my church! You’ll never believe what they did Sunday…”

Why the humor?
Those who go to church each week understand church to be a safe place. However, those who may be coming for the first time might be apprehensive, which is only natural. Laughter is a tremendous stress reducer, and when a person laughs, he relaxes, gives a sigh of relief and can feel that this truly is a safe place to be.

Why the outlines?
People learn in many ways. however, the three major ways we learn are listening, writing and seeing. We combine all three of those methods in every Sunday morning service so that the message will not only be heard, but remembered, applied and ultimately, lives will be changed. Each outline includes the morning’s Scriptures printed out. We know that our guests don’t always own a Bible and sometimes they are not comfortable with looking verses up. We think that God’s Word changes people, not necessarily the “looking it up.”

Do you have a Sunday school?
We have innovative small groups which meet weekly on ABF campus and in homes for fellowship, bible study and community outreach.

How do I get involved in a small group?
Fill out the welcome card and select “Above Biblestudy Groups” and someone will contact you or simply email and someone will contact you.

OK, so what if I decide to join? (Do I have to stand up and have everyone stare at me?)
Again, use the welcome card. Tell us you want to join. (You can put the card in the offering basket or leave it at the guest/members service counter) Someone will contact you by phone. We will follow up  with your decision to join with membership Class.

Is someone going to visit me?
No. But, if you’ll leave us your name and address, we’d like to mail you a letter and more information regarding Above & Beyond.

Is there anything I can do to help?
Just let us know when you’re ready to look into some place of service. For more information, go to the “Ministry Connect” page.

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